Saturday 14 June 2014

An Introduction 

Welcome. Just in case you've landed here by mistake let me tell you what to expect so you can continue searching for your heart's desire, somewhere else on the web, without further delay.

This particular online space is my repository for my digitized detritus, a warehouse for my cyber-junk and a place where I can share things with my friends. It's where I can hang out without overly censoring myself. I'm not some highly polished LinkedIn smoothie with a pressed shirt wearing clean underpants.

Having said that I will be posting proper grown up adult stuff on here too so you are welcome to enjoy the other the rest but bear in mind my earlier declaration of intent.


Now That's Out Of The Way 


I can let you know what I'm planning to do on here. I write songs so expect a bunch of them. They'll more than likely be me sitting in front of a badly lit phone video camera. I may look dishevelled and be croaking along to the strum of my guitar but the point is not to 'rocket to stardom' but to have a bit of fun with my pals. I have other places to post things to appeal to targeted audiences. 

Writing? Yes, I'll have a go at that. I was going to say, "Don't expect much because I'm really not that good." but that would be a lie. I have a lot of confidence in myself and it's best this is understood at the outset. Criticism is welcome but try to make it practical and constructive or don't waste our time. I'm not a great grammarian and prone to the odd spelling mistake but that'll sort itself out as things proceed.

My Attempt To Ingratiate Myself  


So, presumably, you are still here? If so why not give this blog a follow so I know you are out there. I'm a sucker for that and will follow your blog back as a matter of courtesy. I fully realise that you are an important and busy person with lots of important things to be getting on with so let me say, in advance, your generous allotment of time to reading this is much appreciated. There I hope this serves us both well. Feel free to contact me here or follow me on Twitter. 

No, please don't mention it, you are more than welcome and it's been a pleasure. At least for me.

Emil ;D  

Here's my Twitter face

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